When you buy a home from Hyde Homes, you save energy, money and ultimately, help preserve our planet for future generations to come. From the inside of your home to the outside, we have kept your savings in mind with our energy-efficient features.
All of our homes are TVA Energy Right Platinum Certified. This program was approved by the state as an above-code program to ensure all new residential homes will be compliant with the Alabama Energy Code and thereby reduce potential energy consumption. Our homes meet strict guidelines for energy efficiency. Every home at Hyde Homes is at least 15% more energy efficient than a standard home.
Every new Hyde Home is tested and inspected by an independent Home Energy Rater to ensure that your new home meets the strict guidelines set for energy efficiency by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
An Energy Right-certified home uses substantially less energy- delivering 200 to 400 dollars in annual savings. On average, homeowners live in a home for 7 years. This adds up to thousands of dollars saved over that 7-year period.